Excellent. These Republican emperors have no clothes on and it’s way past time to yell the truth about the whoppers they are pushing. Instead of building a nonsense wall pushing xenophobic platforms, why don’t they sit down in the legislature and work out a sane immigration policy? Thanks for being one of the truth-telling voices in the wilderness. ❤️

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I love you too

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Former Iowan, now in Delaware. The same could be said of our Chicken processing plants. Love your writing.

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I am still waiting for Prez candidates who flip pork chops to express appreciation for the many Iowa immigrants who contribute to our pork industry. For that matter, I still wait for the Farm Bureau and Pork Producers to at least give a nod to the people of color and all blue collar workers in our pork industry.

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I wonder if a GoFund-Me to raise money for billboard messages showing how much we depend on and need immigrants in Iowa would be successful...? And,could the messages have a positive impact? I've read facts don't really sway people, but how about cleverly, wittily, amusingly, pithily, heart-breakingly, forcefully, creatively presented facts?!

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I prefer newspapers over billboards.

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Excellent! Thank you.

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Hi Art. I’m really enjoying your common sense and thoughtful articles. Read your book too. Thank you for your commentary even though it my fall on some deaf ears among the hard headed.

John Meyer

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As in THE John Meyer of Bancroft lore?

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Yes. Now in Colorado but you, Chuck Offenburger, and my daughter are my best links to stay a bit connected.

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Fantastic! It’s so great to hear from you. Go Twins!

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Thanks John

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