The Republican party primary candidates are a "show " that may be better distributed by a spreader on the back pasture. It should be obvious that Trump's tariff policies were not an advantage the first time they were tried. Just track the commodity prices under them and not. This craziness is why Iowa is no longer a place for first in the nation. We now may be a bell weather for the extreme right or left. Not a good thing. Pragmatist in both parties and independents have little or no voice among the din of 24/7 media and propaganda. Something we didn't have when this caucus thing started. So if we can't hear the truth how can we make relivent opinions.

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I was awaiting our 45th president adding John Gotti defense attorney Bruce Cutler, who obtained three acquittals for Teflon Don I, to his legal team. Well, he came close. Cutler law partner Tim Parlatore represented 45 in the Mar-A-Lago documents case before stepping aside in May. One of Mr. Trump's other attorneys in the Stormy Daniels hush money case, Susan Necheles, represented Genovese underboss Venero "Benny Eggs" Mangano who served 13 years for extortion and conspiracy before his death in 2017. And the 45th president's lawyer in the Jan. 6 case, John Lauro, represented former NBA basketball referee Tim Donaghy, who took payoffs from bookies, bet on games he officiated and was sentenced to 15 months in prison.

Too bad NYC columnist Jimmy Breslin is no longer with us to write about Teflon Don II.

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I ran across a 2021 article in which President Bush 43 (remember him?) said he wrote in former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice for president in 2020 -- and told her he was going to do so. She is currently director of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University (founded by our only Iowa-born president) and she also previously served as university provost - wiping out an operating deficit in two years. Dr. Rice is pro-choice and pro-gun rights. She recalls her Presbyterian minister father sitting on the porch with a gun in case the Klan came calling. She was born in Birmingham, lived her early childhood there and lost a friend, Denise McNair, in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in 1963.

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This is good to read. What has appalled me most about our political analyses post-9/11 is the aggressive refusal to look at both sides. I've been hyperpartisan all my life and job one has always been to understand the other side. Gaslight the voters all you like but the party members and campaign workers need clearer heads anchored in reality to have a shot at winning elections.

Ramaswamy seems to be a much slicker Trump. He's stepped in it on climate change but otherwise is climbing in the polls simply by doing what Trump does: talking about the stuff you're not supposed to talk about. Voters are aware of countless issues our leaders refuse to engage in public dialogue on. Were any of Art's readers ever asked their opinion about starting a war with Russia?

You can't win if you don't "get" all of reality, not just selected parts. Democrats can't beat Trump until they seem him for what he really is: an unimportant person saying important things that the folks in charge don't want to hear. Trump also spouts voluminous BS but that's irrelevant, it's the true stuff Democrats need to grapple with or they will lose to him or someone like him yet again.

It's true Trump has never won an election. He didn't have to. Democrats grotesquely mismanaged 2016, and then literally cheated their way across the finish line in 2020 (yes, the four [4] lawsuits against Trump finally made me watch the videos and there is conclusive proof of serious misconduct in Georgia and don't get me started on the videos of law enforcement embeds committing violent crimes on 1/6 -- Deep State/The Blob/Dip State has spun out of control and the only candidates who seem to be noticing are Trump and Ramaswamy (and Hurd? who I only heard of for the first time from this column).

The problem isn't Trump. Democrats need to look within but that's tough to do after purging the party leadership ranks of everyone who could see themselves in a mirror. Sorry if that's rude but I have worked on numerous Democratic party campaigns and we've reached the point where all the actual "talent" has left the building and The Peter Principle is now in charge.

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I feel I should reveal my political identity as a disaffected Democrat. I’m a conservative on social issues, support Bernie Sanders on the economy. Some say that’s the profile of a Trump supporter. While relieved he beat the awful Hillary Clinton I’ve never been a Trump supporter.

I know Trump is seen a protector of ordinary from the insufferable moral smugness of the Democratic Party. There are other ways to do that. For Gods Sake Trump can’t be the nominee. He’s unelectable.

I’m on the wrong thread to ask this question as Trump supporters aren’t likely to show up here. But can someone, anyone tell me how a person could support Trump in 2023! Let me ask another question: is there a Republican candidate liberals can support?

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You completely lost me at "awful Hillary Clinton."

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