My mom would be sending the Republican House members to their rooms and tell them to stay there and think about their actions. They’d be allowed to come out when they could act like people. We need someone running the House store that pays attention to what the diners want and need for dinner, not some not too bright goofball who has a history of avoiding the responsibilities of his job. They need to quit serving chaos and clean up the restaurant, and take care of their customers. We can assist in the transformation by going to the polls and electing representatives who will work for the domestic good. The sandwich Republicans are serving the American people is full of empty calories.
Art wrote of the road detours in his area--infrastructure changes that benefit NW Iowa and funded under Biden. There is also a detour in political thinking--too many Iowans take a detour in their thinking and do not connect the benefits to their local communities from Biden or federal investments, during and post pandemic. One can drill down to locally funded projects at
Well, Miller Meeks gets death threat because she voted for an alternative to real crazy ( Jim Jordan). People in your own party threatening to kill you because you make a thoughtful decisions why would anyone want that job. I don't agree with her on most of her decisions but would never think she needed to die for making them. The other desperate measure the Republicans are suggesting is to pass somethings with their temporary speaker and maybe that bandaid stick but probably not too long. So with that Miller Meeks vote it maybe that there are or maybe some better angels with some in the majority party that may want to continue this experiment in democracy we call the USA. Hopefully they can avoid the death threats and get things working before it shuts down.
My mom would be sending the Republican House members to their rooms and tell them to stay there and think about their actions. They’d be allowed to come out when they could act like people. We need someone running the House store that pays attention to what the diners want and need for dinner, not some not too bright goofball who has a history of avoiding the responsibilities of his job. They need to quit serving chaos and clean up the restaurant, and take care of their customers. We can assist in the transformation by going to the polls and electing representatives who will work for the domestic good. The sandwich Republicans are serving the American people is full of empty calories.
Art wrote of the road detours in his area--infrastructure changes that benefit NW Iowa and funded under Biden. There is also a detour in political thinking--too many Iowans take a detour in their thinking and do not connect the benefits to their local communities from Biden or federal investments, during and post pandemic. One can drill down to locally funded projects at
Well, Miller Meeks gets death threat because she voted for an alternative to real crazy ( Jim Jordan). People in your own party threatening to kill you because you make a thoughtful decisions why would anyone want that job. I don't agree with her on most of her decisions but would never think she needed to die for making them. The other desperate measure the Republicans are suggesting is to pass somethings with their temporary speaker and maybe that bandaid stick but probably not too long. So with that Miller Meeks vote it maybe that there are or maybe some better angels with some in the majority party that may want to continue this experiment in democracy we call the USA. Hopefully they can avoid the death threats and get things working before it shuts down.
Thanks, Art. Keep them coming.