Thanks, Art. This is exactly what we should be talking about. It is unimaginable to me that we talk about ordinary issues (inflation, the price of groceries, is Biden too old, did he keep a campaign promise to pay off college loan debt) when democracy or fascism is what we are faced with in November. Thank you for once again, putting this clear choice before us.

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Worthy of H.L. Mencken. Too bad nobody reads newspapers anymore. We're all playing 3 card Monte on our smartphones.

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May 22Liked by Art Cullen

Amen, unfortunately.

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May 23Liked by Art Cullen

I was so distraught by Trump's win in 2016 that I went to the Women's March in Washington D.C. It was peaceful but so crowded we could scarcely move. My message to Trump was: "I recognize that you won the election and that you are now our President. But I want you to know here today that I will be watching you carefully and holding you to account for any misdeeds." Little did I know what a horror show those four years would be. I fear for our nation if Trump and his henchmen win in November.

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I'm reminded of another Barnum quote: "I don't give a damn what you say about me, as long as you spell my name right."

And this:

“Small men, seeking great wealth or power, have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity.”

And this:

"I’m frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in “A,” “B,” “C” and “D.” ....In the quest for moral righteousness they have become easy prey to manipulation and misjudgment."

The latter two quotes are from Sen. Barry Goldwater.

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May 22Liked by Art Cullen

Well, I have developed a late in life allergy to Barnum’s peanuts. It amazes me that half the population of this country is still downing the orange moldy goobers. Makes me nauseous. Meanwhile, thanks for yelling in wilderness about things that need to be said.

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May 22Liked by Art Cullen

IMHO, Trump will very likely beat Biden but would surely lose to any other prominent Democrat (Harris excepted). Biden should decline nomination now and throw the D convention open, a generous and ennobling act that would secure his place in history. Johnson did it for far less critical reasons.

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I fervently hope we can laugh this off as nonsense come Nov. 6. But I fear that you and PT are right.

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Every time someone fills their gas tank they cringe and blame Biden, who actually has little impact on gas prices. Same at the grocery. Trump is one of the slimiest men to ever walk our streets but his many sins and failures are not top of mind to our mostly uninformed public. (Thank you Fox News). If someone vetted the Trump resume he would not get hired for a middle management job in Storm Lake.

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Excellent writing in style and content.

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