How do people pretend that Trump is what they think he is? He has a "secret plan" he's cooked up with Speaker of the House, Johnson. Or was that a secret concept of a plan? He either gets his way or he'll bring violence and hell to those in his way.

I've seen his plan in action--January 6, 2021. I cried for my country and what Trump's done to it.

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Thanks, Art. You made a succinct and powerful argument for voting for the VP and Melton this time. We should want people in government who know how to make government work for everyone. Every civil society needs a functioning government.

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Bravo Art. Thanks for having the courage of your convictions. I hope Mr. Bezos and the L.A. Times owner read and it gives their staffs some hope.

As the great I.F. Stone told me when I interviewed him for a class project at Iowa State, "Jefferson's idea of freedom of the press wasn't to have a bunch of political eunuchs running around." If the facts point in a certain direction, it is totally proper to pull those facts together and sum them up.

This election boils down to one issue. We have a traitor and an insurrectionist running for president and he must be defeated. Period. He tried to incite the violent overthrow our government and subvert the Constitution. Mike Pence and the Capitol police (and probably the Secret Service) did their jobs and stopped him. The U.S. Senate did not do its job when presented with the evidence -- evidence the senators themselves experienced and witnessed -- and convict him upon a second impeachment and bar him from ever seeking office again.

That job now falls on the American people -- us. We must decide whether we will let treason reign, or let freedom ring.

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It doesn’t surprise me that you have more courage than Jeff Bezos, Art.

Here’s to votes for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, democracy for Iowa and the nation, and justice, finally, for Donald Trump.

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Thanks, Art. Correct to the core. I too hope there are enough sane people who read it.

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You bring honor to Iowa. Thank you!

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I hope my hometown and the state I was born in listen, Art… 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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keep spreading the truth, sooner hopefully more than later people will realize the truth behind all the trump lies...

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Brilliant! Thank you.

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Great articles on the upcoming election. I’ve been a little depressed, thinking about what might happen to our country if the wrong decision is made. Besides all the great points that you make have people not seen him try to dance.

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Thank you for speaking up for the changes that are needed. and for clearly stating the reasons why. I have an online subscription to the Washington Post, subscribers are up in arms on Bezo’s non endorsement, especially this close to Election Day. One of the posts that I read had nearly 10,000 comments with 99.5% disagreeing with his decision.

Not related to this but my pawnshop gave the Storm Lake PD some info on an ongoing investigation. And was graciously thanked for my info.

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