Thanks. Yet another reminder that Iowa is under the thumb of the coroner suite.

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you remind me of the attempts by the des moines water works to force the issue of potable water in the north raccoon river and everyone involved became obscure and unemployed. i also think of the mississippi delta which was considered one of the worlds greatest fisheries and is now known for its dead zone which encompasses hundreds of square miles...i'm embarrassed...

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Thank you for the article. I keep thinking I should write a letter to the Editor. I recently received word that one of my cousins has been diagnosed with a rare condition called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). He is a farmer in Humboldt County. The husband of another cousin also has PSP. He was a farmer in Palo Alto County. His doctor is in Emmentsberg and the doctor has eight patients with this rare condition called PSP. Something is going on!

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Write tthat letter!

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Thanks, Art. We do need to get a whole lot more serious about the environment around us. It can be done. Look at Montana. Who would have thought that Montana would be in the vanguard of states addressing climate change? Let’s go!

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Another awesome perspective on this so serious and critical issue! Thank you Art for all your writing and reminding. Barb Kalbach a nurse wrote an excellent opinion on this very subject of Glyphosate impact. What would it take to have feedback sessions like the two you mentioned done in all counties? Please no polling survey over phones - only personal feedback from families of all walks of life including some medical folks! Let’s turn up the volume!

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thanks for pointing out that noise will have to made for ia Legislators to respond to rising cancer rates. I also appreciate your acknowledgment that both Republicans and Dems. want clean water as much as those of us who voted for clean up funds in 2010.

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I have been gone for too many years. If the livestock is raised and fed on the farm its feed was grown on, manure was a resource. Farmers are working side jobs to maintain a household. The money in Iowa politics is the same money that has put the United States in the mess it is in. Northwest Iowa has enough carcinogenic material from the Fallout from the Nuclear Testing in Nevada in the Fifties. This is still there. We don’t need to create Feed Lot pollution to help it.

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