Thanks, Art. I went to college when abortion was illegal. A girl on my dorm floor had an illegal abortion (we all chipped in to pay). She came back on a Greyhound bus, bleeding and alone. Another girl could never have children following an illegal abortion. After abortion was private and legal, a friend I knew as an adult had a medical abortion in a public hospital at six months pregnant for a much wanted baby after an ultra-sound revealed that the fetus had no brain. Through science, my son's lethal genetic disease could now be detected with an amniocentesis -- and a woman could terminate this pregnancy without having to go to another state. I never, ever thought it was possible that this medical procedure would again be illegal in my lifetime. Shameful and heart-breaking.

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Aug 6Liked by Art Cullen

The new Iowa law specifically allows abortion at any stage of pregnancy without limitation for "fetal abnormality that is incompatible with life" including your examples of anencephaly (detectable by ultrasound) and lethal genetic disease (detectable by amniocentesis). It is a complicated law but not on this issue.

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Jul 18Liked by Art Cullen

It’s a complicated question as you’ve shown. Yes/No answers don’t work here.

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