Thanks Art. Your writing reminds me of the parallels between avian flu and the virus of lies. Both spread rapidly through vulnerable populations with devastating consequences. Just as avian flu devastates poultry operations and threatens food security, misinformation devastates trust in expertise and threatens our collective security.

The layoffs of scientists mirrors how we cripple our immune response. By removing experts who serve as early warning systems and solution-finders, the trio of Musk/Trump/Vance (MTV) leave us defenseless against biological and informational threats.

The bitter irony? The folks in NW Iowa and elsewhere cheering loudest for "draining the swamp" of expertise are the first ones harmed when animal diseases tear through their operations. They voted to remove the very safeguards protecting their farms from catastrophe.

The virus—whether biological or informational—doesn't care about political affiliation. It simply exploits vulnerabilities. Avian flu and misinformation work the same way - they both spread like wildfire when we let our guard down. Abandonment of science and facts leaves everyone - especially rural America - exposed and unprotected against the real threats coming their way.

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Well said, Ralph. A few days ago the FDA meeting (scheduled for March 13) to select the flu strains for this year's flu vaccines was abruptly canceled. The timing of the meeting is such to make an informed decision which allows time enough to manufacture and release the vaccines. When I posted this to a friend of mine, she said "would it be mean to say that it will harm only the anti-vaxxers?" Unfortunately, it will harm everyone. The vaccine manufacturers will need to do 1 of 2 things—(1) select their own strains without the benefit of scientific experts and a larger body of data or (2) close their doors as the profit margins for vaccines are very low.

The cuts to NIH and NCI will set science back by decades. We are entering the Dark Ages.

American Dream...this is the American Nightmare.

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Lisa, I am encouraging opponents to the cuts (not just D's) to hold public forums in key areas, like here in Ames, with all your research facilities, but inviting ag interests statewide. I now have 2 sources that the R's are discouraging any town hall type meeting on cuts, if not other issues.

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People are about to enter FO phase of FAFO. Elections have consequences and farmers and Red States are going to see consequences. As will the rest of us who didn't vote for president Musk and first lady Donold.

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P.S. I have to keep reminding myself when I just can’t believe what is happening, that cruelty is the point.

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Seems like a scene from a bad movie, Art.

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Well said Virginia! I feel like a poorly drawn character in a bad cartoon every day. If this wasn't real - if this wasn't actually so incredibly cruel and destructive - parts of it would be comical from the outside looking in. The characters couldn't be more farcical.

But the entire world is "in" at this point. And it's terrifying.

That IS the point - - a regime of fear and terror.

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I agree. It is the point.

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Having grown up in up forty miles North of Storm Lake, my work ethic was shaped by hard working Iowa Farmers. They used their efforts to transform their situation into a life for others. When farms move to Brazil, more rain forests are cleared as d global warming is enhanced. The farmer that taught me looked to the constellations in the sky for moon rising as signs to guide his farming. He may not have known where exactly Brazil was or what a rain forest did but he was aware of forces beyond his immediate view.

Iowa has joined with other states to make hemp taboo. My Grandfather and his Brother both grew Hemp for the War Effort in the forties. Newsprint from hemp would be domestically sourced and run through the printing presses better than wood pulp .

Without necessarily knowing the word, Iowa Farmers personified Humility. A King wannabe would get laughed out of the Super Value or Massa Brothers Pool Hall on Saturday. What had happened to my Stare while I was away?

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Many a fine writer has warned us of this day and yet here we are, who would imagine that they would freak out in the USA(bad attempt of a doctored up line from Frank Zappa)

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Again, what tripped the madness trigger? The repeated question, over and over, "How and why did Trump get elected?" One popular guy, I guess. I remember through early fall, a drive from the Big O up Highway 77 to NE Nebraska,Dakota County, all the Red signs, especially north of Blair: a hideous dot on the rolling row-crop landscape...FAFO. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings."

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Grim pickin’s. So sad.

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