Haley is an opportunist but she doesn't seem to be crazy. (I know, a low bar.) In the earliest debate, she raised her hand to show that she would support Trump if he were the nominee. But she now has enough momentum to turn.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Art Cullen

A fellow called the newsroom I used to work at in 2017 after our 45th president took office and said, "We knew he was a playboy when we elected him!"

Many look at him as a lovable scoundrel.

I also heard another gentleman at a local establishment say on the cusp of the COVID shutdown in 2020, " I don't care too much about politics but I like to watch him tell off reporters."

He's entertaining, and a lot of us want to be entertained. Hard to avert one's eyes from the outrageous, like it or not.

Others of a more religious bent have framed him as the modern Constantine the Great, the imperfect vessel though which Pax Christiana (American style) will be restored to the world.

But Mr. Conservative himself, George Will, came out in 2016 with this piece, which appeared, appropriately, in the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate: "Donald Trump is as American as Huey Long."

Parodied as Sen. Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip in the 1930s novel by Nobel Prize winning former Waterloo Courier reporter Sinclair Lewis. "It Can't Happen Here."

So don't get too bigly righteous, Dems. Your party sort of put the "Dem" in "demagogue."

Trumpism, Longism, by any name, in any party, megalomania smells the same.

It can happen here -- again.

Coincidentally, in the Lewis novel, the main person speaking truth to Windrip's powerful wind is a newspaper editor.


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Dan Fromkin's Press Watch just reinforced what Cullen, Price, Tori Riley, and others have been saying about local news https://presswatchers.org/2023/11/four-suggestions-for-local-news/

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Point that the national media isn't helping shine a light on Trump's short comings (alleged crimes ) is a very valid. At least he isn't getting the free press that he got in 15-16 and 20. Just remember Watergate and the slow roll to, yeah you may be a crook. But the dark side and denial is strong in this one. Credibility of his primary opponents comes down to they were for him before they were against him even if ancient history they were against him to start with. Because nobody does history and Trump is in the moment so his cult hears the lasts thing he said and takes that as gospel. Age, well simple, three years difference, Biden is the Senior and Trump is loud mouth not fully educated Sophomore. Think polls are highly overrated. Yogi Berra had the perspective "It ain't over 'til it's over."

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