Hey, so glad you made the road trip! I could have told you about Burlington. Really frustrating. What most people don't know about EVs is that the batteries in the various models aren't alike. unfortunately, those who end up with a brand of car that doesn't offer good battery charging capability come away frustrated, as you guys did.
We are fortunate that our Kia Wind 6 holds a good charge with close to 300 range. Iowa is not as good as many other states when it comes to charging opportunities. Fort Dodge Kwik Star has good fast charging opportunities.
As much as I hate ethanol for propping up the corn market (and polluting the hell out of Iowa and everywhere our water goes), there is potential jet fuel in the CO2 from the ethanol plants--mix it with green hydrogen (hydrogen made from renewables like wind energy) and we have a fairly clean jet fuel. I don't know how we get the billion gallons a day we need, but maybe that will be revealed later.
Thank you so much for both making this trip to test your EV range and sharing your experience! You carried me along on the journey as I read. I appreciate your writing and willingness to shed light on issues so many are hesitant to address!
Hey, so glad you made the road trip! I could have told you about Burlington. Really frustrating. What most people don't know about EVs is that the batteries in the various models aren't alike. unfortunately, those who end up with a brand of car that doesn't offer good battery charging capability come away frustrated, as you guys did.
We are fortunate that our Kia Wind 6 holds a good charge with close to 300 range. Iowa is not as good as many other states when it comes to charging opportunities. Fort Dodge Kwik Star has good fast charging opportunities.
Got a good charge out of your column today! Thanks.
As much as I hate ethanol for propping up the corn market (and polluting the hell out of Iowa and everywhere our water goes), there is potential jet fuel in the CO2 from the ethanol plants--mix it with green hydrogen (hydrogen made from renewables like wind energy) and we have a fairly clean jet fuel. I don't know how we get the billion gallons a day we need, but maybe that will be revealed later.
Thank you so much for both making this trip to test your EV range and sharing your experience! You carried me along on the journey as I read. I appreciate your writing and willingness to shed light on issues so many are hesitant to address!